A perfect weekend … in Prague

A perfect weekend … in Prague

Born out of necessity (more on this below), we have put together the instructions for a perfect weekend for you here.

The story behind it, or why not go to Prague?

A defective camper? Yes, unfortunately this can also happen. In most cases, we or our garage find the fault quickly. But sometimes the problem is more complicated. Especially when the only troubleshooting advice is: “This always happens after about 3 to 4 hours of driving.” So we packed up and looked for a destination within a suitable distance. We didn’t find the fault*, but we did discover a perfect weekend.

Ein Blick auf die Teynkirche in der Innenstadt von Prag

Friday – Arrival and first steps in Prague

Prague is only around 4 hours away from Munich. And that’s not the only reason why we should have gone there much earlier.

Well, it’s never too late and if you set off around midday, you can easily be in the Czech metropolis for dinner.

We had already chosen the small but beautiful Praguecamp campsite beforehand. It is located in the middle of the Vltava River on an island, together with the somewhat larger Caravan Park campsite. For us, Praguecamp offered the slightly nicer view of the Vltava, but it is really small and therefore booked out quickly. Reservations are highly recommended (please note: plan at least 1-2 days in advance).

From Praguecamp, it’s a 15-minute walk to the ferry pier, where you can be taken to the other side of the Vltava in a relaxed 5 minutes. From there, you can take the streetcar for 1-2 stops or walk along the promenade into the old town. On our first evening, we left the old town behind and walked to the Manifesto Market. This really relaxed and loungey street food hotspot offers international specialties and Czech beer with a beach atmosphere and cool sounds. Freshly fortified, we then took the streetcar into the city. With an ice cream in our hands (it was really hot), we walked across the Charles Bridge to the other bank to have a drink on the banks of the Vltava.

But then we took the Bolt home and that’s also tip 2: Uber and Bolt are available on every corner in Prague and at fares that would make a Munich resident really envious.

An unforgettable Saturday in Prague: culture, fun and enjoyment

Our second day in Prague began in a relaxed manner. Who says you have to spend the whole day walking and carrying bags on a city trip (yes, a bit of shopping is always part of it for us). So here is our suggestion for an alternative program: After a restful night in the motorhome at the idyllic Praguecamp campsite, we started the day full of anticipation.

Morning: Prague Castle, breakfast and discoveries

The morning took us to the area around Prague Castle, an absolute must for any visitor to Prague. After a short walk, we fortified ourselves with a traditional Trdelník – this delicious chimney cake (also known here as Baumstriezel) with sugar and cinnamon was the perfect breakfast to start our day of exploring.

Afterwards, we strolled through the picturesque alleyways around the castle, letting ourselves drift and discovering the charming corners of the district. The atmosphere was unique and we enjoyed literally breathing in the history of the city.

Lunchtime: Charles Bridge, shopping and a welcome cool-down

From Prague Castle, it is only a few steps downhill to the famous John Lennon Wall.

Although John Lennon himself was never in Prague, the graffiti wall stands for values that would have appealed to him too: Peace, love, respect. It is also the perfect background for our camper dog Nica.

Our next destination was the famous Charles Bridge, which exudes a special magic with its impressive statues and magnificent view of the Vltava. The bridge was busy, but that didn’t detract from the fascination – on the contrary, the many people and street artists contributed to the lively atmosphere. Did you know that touching the dog at the foot of the Nepomuk statue brings good luck? Nica certainly didn’t miss out on this opportunity and would have liked a bowl that kept filling itself.

After the bridge walk, the first round of shopping was on the agenda. The old town of Prague is a true paradise for shopping lovers, and we took the opportunity to buy a few special souvenirs.

A particular highlight of the day was the unexpected cooling down: it was so hot that the fire department came with a fire engine full of water and provided refreshment by spraying a cooling fountain of water into the air. This spontaneous action was a lot of fun for locals and tourists alike.

Afternoon: museums, relaxation and water sports

After the exciting morning, we returned to the campsite to rest for a while. For those who wanted to experience even more of Prague’s culture, a visit to one of the city’s many museums was an option. Prague is rich in art and history, and a visit to a museum is a wonderful way to delve even deeper into the culture.

For the more active, there was also plenty to do in the afternoon: Near the campsite we could go swimming, rent a SUP (stand-up paddle) or kayak and explore the Vltava in a very special way. Or you can simply sit in the campsite’s beautiful bar, watch the hustle and bustle on the water and enjoy the shade.

If the weather is not conducive to swimming, you can use the sauna at the campsite – perfect for relaxing after a day of exploring.

In the evening: beer garden with a view and a sweet finish

The evening brought us to a special highlight: we took a cab or Uber to the Letna Lookout beer garden, one of the most beautiful places in Prague, to round off the day. Here we enjoyed a delicious dinner with a wonderful view of the city and the Vltava River – a truly magical moment.

After dinner, we treated ourselves to ice cream and drinks before taking a Bolt cab back to the motorhome. The day was full of experiences and the combination of culture, relaxation and culinary delights made it unforgettable.

Sunday – Unfortunately it’s time to go back

Even the best weekend is over at some point.

We didn’t have much planned for the day of our departure. Mainly due to the hot weather, we enjoyed the cool Vltava again and had a leisurely breakfast before heading home.

But of course you can also use the last day for shopping or museum visits. Here is a short list of the museums we would have loved to see, but couldn’t because we had a dog:

Illusion Art Museum Prague
Gallery of Steel Figures (at least Nica found her Minion buddy)
Museum of Senses

Perhaps you can leave your camper at the campsite during the last detour into the city (departure is otherwise at 10 am). The relaxed reception will certainly make this possible if there aren’t too many bookings already queued up. Or you can drive a few streets towards the highway and look for a parking space. With the really successful streetcar network, supplemented by inexpensive cabs, you can be in the city very quickly from almost any corner of Prague.

Or you can set off early and take the opportunity to visit another Czech city on the way home. Pilsen, Budweis or Krumau are fantastic for this.

Our conclusion: the Czech Republic (not just Prague) is really worth a trip. Fair prices, great service everywhere, delicious food and nice people. That’s all you need for a short break from everyday life. Give us a call if you want to know more.

P.S. Do you remember the error that led us to Prague? Yes, fortunately we have now been able to fix it. The good Bavarian camper was hanging in the camper with his meter every few hundred kilometers during the trip. Thanks to this detective work, he was able to provide the electrician with the crucial information. So you can continue to set off with the Bavarian Campers without any worries.

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