Auch das muss sein.

The terms and conditions – unfortunately you can’t do without them:

Bavarian Camper terms and conditions:

Several tenants form a tenant community. Each tenant has identical rights and obligations.
1. Conclusion of the binding rental agreement:
  1. Agreements or declarations that have only been made verbally, without written confirmation, by e-mail or text message are in any case without legal effect. The conclusion of a rental contract for the vehicle can only be made in writing, usually by both parties signing this contract.
  2. The lessor’s obligation to perform refers only to a vehicle of the agreed type (usually defined by the type of body and the number of seats and sleeping places) and not to a specific vehicle, even if a specific camper with license plate number is mentioned in the rental agreement for planning reasons. In particular, in the event of damage or defects to the vehicle specified in the rental agreement, Bavarian Camper is entitled to hand over another vehicle for rental, even without consulting the Hirer. If the renter has special requirements for the rental vehicle (e.g. automatic gearshift), this must be expressly agreed in writing in advance.
  3. The rental agreement is concluded between the contracting parties. A transfer or assignment of the rights arising from the rental agreement by the Hirer to other third parties is only possible with the express prior written consent of the Rental Firm.
  4. The vehicle may not be made available for use by third parties without the prior written consent of the Rental Firm; it may only be driven by the drivers / Hirers named in the Rental Contract.
2. Termination, Cancellations:
  1. If a date for the return of the vehicle is not specified (open-ended tenancy), the tenancy may be terminated by either party subject to the statutory notice period (Section 580 a BGB). If the rent is calculated on a daily basis, the termination can be given on any day to the end of the following day in accordance with Section 580 a (3) BGB.
  2. In the case of fixed-term rental agreements, the agreed rental period (dates) is binding for both parties and can only be extended or shortened by mutual agreement.
  3. The contract may not be terminated or canceled by either party except for good cause within the meaning of § 543 BGB. The Hirer is obliged to return the vehicle to the Rental Firm by the specified time at the latest, taking into account the usual time tolerances. If the Hirer has collected the vehicle from the Rental Firm himself, he is obliged to return the vehicle to the Rental Firm. If collection by the Rental Firm has been agreed, the Hirer must make the vehicle available for collection at the agreed location at the specified time.
  4. The Hirer and Rental Firm shall agree binding times for the collection and return of the vehicle at least 24 hours in advance. If the Hirer is more than 31 minutes late to this agreement, the Rental Firm shall be entitled to charge a lump sum of €50 for each half hour or part thereof. If the Hirer is more than 121 minutes late for the agreed pick-up time, the rental contract shall be deemed canceled and the cancellation conditions specified under 2.8. shall apply. If the Hirer is more than 121 minutes late for the return, the conditions stated under 2.7. automatically apply.
  5. If the Hirer contacts us up to 2 hours before the agreed time to arrange a late collection or return and this new time is confirmed by both parties, the new time shall apply.
  6. Refunds for late vehicle collection or early return are excluded.
  7. The rental agreement is not automatically extended if the Hirer does not return the vehicle on time and hand it over to the Rental Firm. In the event of late return, the Rental Firm may demand compensation from the Hirer in accordance with Section 546 of the German Civil Code (BGB) in the amount of the agreed rental price. In addition, claims for compensation/damages may be made against any subsequent tenant.
  8. The tenant may demand the termination of the contract before the start of the tenancy. In this case, the tenant must compensate the landlord for any damages incurred as a result. The compensation generally amounts to the following costs:
Cancellation deadline Cancellation fee
Up to 90 days before departure 30% of the total price (min. 300€)
89 – 60 days before departure 50% of the total price
59 – 30 days before departure 70% of the total price
29 – 15 days before departure 80% of the total price
14 – 1 days before departure 90% of the total price
day of departure / no-show 95% of the total price

The date of withdrawal shall be determined by the date of receipt of the written declaration of withdrawal. Non-acceptance/collection (within 120 minutes of the agreed collection time) shall be deemed a withdrawal.

3. Deposit

  1. To secure all claims of the Rental Firm arising from this rental relationship, including all possible claims for damages, the Hirer undertakes to pay the Rental Firm a rental security (deposit) in the amount of EUR 1500.
  2. The deposit is due for payment at the latest when the vehicle is handed over to the Hirer.
  3. The Rental Firm may offset claims arising from the rental relationship against the claim to repayment of the deposit.
  4. The deposit will be refunded within 3 working days of the return of the undamaged vehicle.

To cover the risks arising from the rental agreement (e.g. cancellation costs, deductible in the event of comprehensive damage or for damage to the interior), the Rental Firm recommends taking out camping travel insurance. This is not part of the rental agreement. An offer from a partner insucrance com pany can be booked at

4. Use and prohibition of use of the rental vehicle

  1. Use of the vehicle is only permitted within the European Union (EU). Outside these borders, there is no motor insurance cover (in particular fully comprehensive cover). If the Hirer wishes to use the vehicle in other countries and territories, the prior written consent of the Rental Firm is required.
  2. The Rental Firm generally does not permit the use of the vehicle for the following purposes:
    – Participation in races, driver training, off-road driving and similar uses.
    – Transportation of highly flammable, toxic or otherwise hazardous substances.
    – Any use in connection with the commission of criminal offenses or customs and tax offenses, in particular the transport of substances that fall under the Narcotics Act.
  3. A minimum age of 23 years and a valid driving license of at least 3 years are required to drive the vehicle. The original driver’s license must be presented for all named drivers when taking over the vehicle. If this is not presented, the Rental Firm has an immediate right of withdrawal. Furthermore, the Hirer shall be fully liable for any damage in this respect. The drivers are in any case vicarious agents of the Hirer. The use of the vehicle is not permitted if the Hirer or driver is not in possession of a valid driving license recognized in Germany, if there is a driving ban or if the driving license has been temporarily withdrawn.
  4. The use of the vehicle is not permitted if the driver is unable to drive the vehicle safely due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages or other intoxicating substances (unfit driver).
  5. If the Hirer does not comply with the prohibitions of use agreed in the above sections, the Hirer is in breach of duty when using the vehicle.
  6. The Rental Firm charges a one-off processing fee of EUR 25 for the forwarding of criminal cases such as speeding/toll violations, etc. The lessee agrees that the lessor may forward the lessee’s data to the relevant authorities.
  7. If the tenant is unable to provide the landlord with proof of toll payment upon return, the landlord reserves the right to retain the deposit in whole or in part for a maximum of 6 months as security.

5. Small repairs, fuels, oils::

  1. The fuel, engine oil and other auxiliary and operating materials used during the rental period must be procured by the Hirer at his own expense.
  2. The Hirer may carry out minor repairs, such as replacing light bulbs, himself or have them carried out by a specialist workshop for up to €25 per individual case without prior consultation with the Rental Firm.
    by a specialist workshop without prior consultation with the Lessor.
  3. The landlord will reimburse the tenant for the costs on presentation of an invoice and the damaged part that has been replaced.
  4. No reimbursement of costs without proof of invoice.
  5. The tenant’s own work will not be reimbursed.

6. Tenant’s duty of care and liability for damage

  1. The Hirer is obliged to check the vehicle thoroughly before taking it over. If any damage or defects are found, the Hirer shall notify the Rental Firm of these in text form (e.g. by e-mail or by means of a sketch in the return report).
  2. From the time of handover, the Hirer is obliged to treat and use the vehicle in the same way as a prudent owner would do in order to maintain its value. In particular, the renter is obliged at his own expense to
    – To secure the vehicle including equipment (e.g. table set) appropriately against damage in extreme weather conditions (e.g. hail, wind/storm, flooding, heavy snowfall)
    – secure the vehicle appropriately at their own expense if there is a risk of damage due to vandalism, for example by parking it in a secure garage
    – If the indicator lights in the vehicle (e.g. for oil level/oil pressure, water, temperature, brake wear or other) signal a problem, the renter is obliged to act in accordance with the instructions given in the manufacturer’s operating instructions for the vehicle.
    – To check the oil level of the engine and the auxiliary units as well as the tire pressure before each long journey and, if necessary, to correct it in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. As part of his general duty of care and diligence towards the Rental Firm for the rented vehicle, the Hirer shall also be responsible for the negligence of his co-drivers and passengers. A passenger or fellow traveler is anyone who is in or on the vehicle with the knowledge and consent of the Hirer.
  4. The Hirer shall be liable to the statutory extent for all financial losses incurred by the Rental Firm as a result of a culpable breach of its general duty of care and its duty of care under this Rental Agreement. In the event of an insured event, the Rental Firm is obliged to first take out full or partial vehicle insurance (fully or partially comprehensive insurance). Insurance benefits reduce the Hirer’s liability for damages.
  5. The Rental Firm shall indemnify the Hirer against liability in accordance with the principles of comprehensive insurance with a deductible of EUR 500.00 to be borne by the Hirer in the event of partially comprehensive damage and with a deductible of EUR 1,500.00 to be borne by the Hirer in the event of fully comprehensive damage. The respective excess cannot be excluded. The exemption from liability does not apply if the Hirer has caused damage intentionally or through gross negligence.
  6. In addition to Section 6.5, the Hirer shall be liable for the full amount of the damage in the following cases
    – if the Hirer or the driver to whom the Hirer has left the motorhome commits a hit-and-run offense
    – if the renter fails to call the police in the event of an accident, unless the breach of duty had no influence on the determination of the cause of the damage or the amount of the damage
    – if damage was caused due to driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
    – if damage is caused by an unauthorized driver to whom the Hirer has entrusted the motorhome
    – if the Hirer breaches other obligations under the rental agreement, unless the breach of obligation had no influence on the determination of the cause of the damage or the amount of damage
    – if damage is due to prohibited use
    – if damage is due to non-compliance with the dimensions of the motorhome
    – if damage is due to non-compliance with the load regulations
    the renter is liable for the full amount of the damage.
  7. If the Rental Firm repairs the damage itself or has it repaired by its own employees, an hourly rate of € 95.00 per hour worked and person is hereby agreed as appropriate compensation.
  8. In the event of damage to or with the rented vehicle, the Rental Firm shall charge a flat-rate expense allowance of EUR 150 for minor damage (up to 1.5 hours of administrative work). This regulation also applies to major damage, plus EUR 95 for each additional hour or part thereof. Any insurance benefits for these activities will be deducted.
  9. The renter is obliged to return the vehicle carefully cleaned inside. If the vehicle is returned in an unclean or insufficiently clean condition, the Rental Firm will charge a flat rate of EUR 129. From 1.1.2022, cleaning is mandatory. This means that the Rental Firm will always charge the cleaning fee. If the vehicle is returned as clean as when it was picked up, the Rental Firm may refund the flat rate.
  10. Smoking is prohibited inside the vehicles. In the event of non-compliance, a lump sum of EUR 500 will be charged.
  11. The final cleaning of the waste water and sewage tanks must be carried out by the Hirer. If the vehicle is returned with uncleaned or insufficiently cleaned tanks, the Rental Firm will charge a contribution towards expenses of EUR 159.
  12. The waste water and sewage tanks must be emptied and cleaned regularly during the rental period. If the vehicle is contaminated due to overfilling and/or overflowing, a contribution towards expenses of EUR 159 will be charged.
  13. The mattresses are equipped with protective covers. The renter is also obliged to use his own sheets. If it is discovered on return that no sheets have been used and/or that the protective covers are clearly soiled, the Rental Firm will charge EUR 25 per protective cover.

7. Non-accident-related vehicle damage and technical defects:

  1. The Hirer is liable for all damage to the vehicle that is attributable to operating errors during the rental period to the extent permitted by law. If, after the vehicle has been handed over to the Hirer, non-accident-related technical defects occur in the vehicle which significantly impair its usability, both parties shall be entitled to terminate the contract without notice with immediate effect if it is not possible to rectify the defect by means of a repair in the short term.
  2. For the duration of the impairment of use caused by a technical defect, the daily rental price shall be reduced by 1/24 per hour or part thereof. Even in the event of termination, the tenant waives all further claims, unless the technical defect is caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the landlord.
  3. If the contract ends due to termination without notice in accordance with Section 6.2, the Tenant shall remain obliged to pay the agreed rent until the date of termination. The parties mutually waive any further claims that may exist, in particular compensation for damages, including compensation for consequential damages.
  4. This waiver shall not apply if the Lessor is responsible for the defect through gross negligence or willful misconduct.
  5. Sections 6.2. to 6.4. shall not apply if the Hirer is liable for the damage in accordance with section 6.1. due to an operating error, i.e. the defect is attributable to an operating error by the Hirer. E.g. also due to refueling with the wrong fuel.
  6. The Hirer must notify the Rental Firm immediately of any technical defect in the vehicle. If no notification is made, the Hirer must compensate the Rental Firm for the resulting damage.
  7. Should damage occur after the vehicle has been returned by the Hirer to the Rental Firm, which can be proven to the Hirer and which has been concealed from the Rental Firm, the Hirer shall be fully liable for all costs incurred in repairing the damage. Even if a defect-free return was certified in the return name protocol. An example of this is refueling with the wrong fuel or pouring fuel into the fresh water tank.

8. Traffic accidents, limitation of liability of the tenant

  1. The Rental Firm is not liable for items brought into the vehicle by the Hirer, such as luggage, cameras or bicycles. In the event of traffic accidents, the Rental Firm is obliged to inform the Hirer in text form of all data required to enforce his own claims for damages or compensation for pain and suffering against the other party involved in the accident; this also applies to corresponding claims by his passengers and fellow travelers.
  2. In the event of a traffic accident, unless it is only a minor accident which does not significantly impair the usability of the vehicle, both parties are entitled to terminate the contract without notice with immediate effect. Even in this case, the renter remains obliged to pay the agreed rent until the date of termination.
  3. In the event of traffic accidents (including those not involving third parties), fire, damage caused by game and other damage, the Hirer must immediately call in the local police and ensure that the circumstances of the accident or damage are recorded, notify the Rental Firm, send the Rental Firm a detailed accident report with an attached accident sketch and, in the event of accidents involving third parties, record the registration numbers of the vehicles involved and their liability insurance policies and the names and addresses of the drivers and witnesses.
  4. In the event of all traffic accidents, the Hirer shall be liable for all costs incurred by the Rental Firm for the professional repair of the vehicle (or, in the event of total loss, for the cost of replacement), unless the Hirer can be accused of a breach of obligation under Section 7.3. or 7.5. The Hirer shall also not be liable to the extent that the Rental Firm receives compensation from parties involved in the accident or their insurance companies or the vehicle’s comprehensive or partial insurance (comprehensive or partial cover). However, damage in the amount of the excess agreed with the insurance company is regularly not covered by insurance benefits and must then be paid by the Hirer.
  5. If the behavior of the renter after a traffic accident (e.g. hit-and-run), or the behavior of the renter which was the cause of the traffic accident, a violation of the prohibition of use according to Section 3 or any other breach of obligation by the renter results in the comprehensive or partial vehicle insurance existing for the vehicle being able to invoke exemption from payment in whole or in part against the lessor in accordance with the provisions of the German Insurance Contract Act (VVG), the renter shall be liable for all financial losses of the lessor to the statutory extent, insofar as these are not covered by an insurance benefit. The fully comprehensive insurance can, for example, claim exemption from payment if the renter drives the vehicle under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances or commits a hit-and-run.
  6. With effect from the time of satisfaction of all claims for damages of the lessor by the lessee, the lessor assigns all claims for damages to which he may be entitled against third parties to the lessee for the purpose of assertion.

9. Duty of care and liability of the landlord

  1. The Rental Firm is obliged to demand the settlement of all vehicle damage that constitutes an insured event from the relevant vehicle insurers, unless this appears uneconomical or obviously futile.
  2. The Rental Firm may refuse to pay if this is impossible for the Rental Firm. This is particularly the case if the vehicle was damaged before the start of the rental period by a traffic accident or as a result of force majeure in the event of natural phenomena to such an extent that it is no longer fit for use and repair or replacement before the start of the rental period was no longer possible or would have required an outlay which, taking into account the rental period and the agreed total rental price and the requirements of good faith, is grossly disproportionate to the Hirer’s interest in performance.
  3. The Rental Firm may also refuse performance if it is unable to obtain insurance cover through comprehensive vehicle insurance on economically reasonable terms.
  4. In the event of non-performance in accordance with Section 8.1, claims for damages against the Rental Firm – irrespective of the legal grounds – are excluded, unless the Rental Firm is guilty of gross negligence or intent. However, the Lessor is obliged to repay all payments received to the Lessee immediately.
  5. The Rental Firm accepts no liability for the suitability of the vehicle for the purpose intended by the Hirer.
  6. Strict liability on the part of the Rental Firm is excluded. The Rental Firm shall only be liable for intent and gross negligence, and for slight negligence only in the event of a breach of material contractual obligations. These limitations of liability shall not apply in the event of injury to life, limb or health or in the event of fraudulent concealment of defects in the vehicle. This limitation of liability shall apply accordingly to all defects in the vehicle or other damage arising after conclusion of the contract or after the vehicle has been handed over.

10. Verlust von Schlüsseln oder Fahrzeugpapieren:

  1. If the Hirer is responsible for the loss of vehicle documents or a key, he is obliged to bear the costs of replacement and to compensate the Rental Firm for the associated time and other expenses.
  2. The time spent by the Rental Firm shall be compensated at a rate of € 95 per hour; the Hirer reserves the right to minimize the Rental Firm’s time and effort by carrying out work himself.

11. Technical and optical changes:

  1. The Hirer may not make any technical modifications to the vehicle.
  2. The Hirer is not authorized to make any visual changes to the vehicle, including in particular painting, stickers or adhesive films.

12. Vaccination for the dog (if the landlord has agreed to this)

  1. A valid vaccination card must be presented at the start of the rental period for each dog brought along. Obviously sick animals with infectious diseases such as kennel cough, mite infestation, fleas and lice may not be brought along.
  2. Pets other than dogs are only permitted with the permission of the landlord.
  3. Damage caused by tenants or their animals to the furnishings is not covered by any insurance and shall be borne in full by the tenant.

13. Choice of law, place of jurisdiction, other

  1. Compliance with road traffic laws when operating the vehicle and participating in public road traffic in Germany and abroad is the sole responsibility of the Hirer.
  2. The parties agree that German law shall apply to their mutual legal relationships arising from this rental agreement.
  3. In the event that the Hirer does not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany, the parties agree that German courts shall have jurisdiction to decide on any legal disputes that may arise on the basis of this rental agreement or rental relationship. The court at which the landlord has his general place of jurisdiction shall have jurisdiction, unless the local court in which the rented property is located has exclusive jurisdiction.
  4. If and insofar as one of the provisions of this contract violates a mandatory statutory provision, the corresponding statutory provision shall take its place. The Hirer shall indemnify the Rental Firm against any claims for damages by third parties arising from the late return of the rented vehicle.